Myra Estrin Levine () foi uma enfermeira americana reconhecida pela formulação da teoria da conservação, que postula que deve haver uma estrutura organizacional para o ensino da enfermagem médico-cirúrgica. Além disso, destacou-se pelo extenso trabalho como enfermeira civil e particular, supervisora cirúrgica e instrutora clínica.
HAUTVAL, ADELAÏDE ° (–), French psychiatrist and Righteous Among the Nations. Born in Hohwald (Bas Rhin), France, to a Protestant family, Hautval studied medicine in Strasbourg and after her qualification worked in several psychiatric wards.
Seit ist Naohiro Iwai als Arrangeur für die japanische Schallplattenfirma Toshiba-EMI tätig. Seine Werkliste umfasst inzwischen mehr als Bearbeitungen, worunter Musik für Blasorchester und viel edukatives Material zu finden ist.
Aghaei made his cinematic debut by performing in Ebrahim Hatami-Kia's ‘Low Heights’ (). Among his movies are ‘The Second Woman’ (), ‘Elixir and Dust’ (), ‘Hell, Purgatory, Heaven’ (), ‘Death is My Trade’ (), ‘.
Janet Smollett is the mother of On Our Own cast members including Jazz, Jojo, Jussie, and Jurnee Smollett. All of her six children are grown up and are celebrities as of
Becky, the youngest, had operated the Silver Star Casino in the late seventies, but only because the Nevada Gaming Commission balked at issuing a license to her husband, Nick Behnen.
L'été indien is a song written by Joe Dassin and composed by Claude Lemesle in It is extracted from the album "Joe Dassin" and tells the story of a man who returns to his home to find an Indian summer, a summer he has not lived for years.
Bipasha Basu is an Indian actress who has featured in over 50 films, predominantly in Hindi language. After a successful career as a model, [ 1 ] she made her film debut with a supporting role in Abbas–Mustan 's thriller Ajnabee (), which won her the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut.
La Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas”, conocida como UCA, fue fundada en septiembre de , en el contexto del optimismo de la década del desarrollo. Un grupo de ciudadanos católicos se acercó al Gobierno y a la Compañía de Jesús para promover el establecimiento de una segunda universidad.
Heidi (/ ˈ h aɪ d i /; German:) is a work of children's fiction published between 18by Swiss author Johanna Spyri, originally published in two parts as Heidi: Her Years of Wandering and Learning [1] (German: Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre) and Heidi: How She Used What She Learned [2] (German: Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat). [3].
The assembly has seen no party hold an outright majority, hence the PML-N has formed a coalition government with support from the MQM-P, NP, IPP and BAP while the seat Pakistan People's Party (PPP) has declared Confidence and supply to the coalition government.
In January , Michele Promaulayko was named editor-in-chief of Women's Health. [47] In March , Women's Health finished #1 on Adweek's "10 under 50" Hot List. The magazine was named #2 on Advertising Age's A List. [48] Women's Health has a circulation of million. [49].
Enjoy our full and exclusive interview with one of our favorite subjects thus far, Iranian artist Shoja Azari, below: PEM: What’s the first piece of art you made? SA: I wrote poetry when I was young.
Friedrich Engels (born Nov. 28, , Barmen, Rhine province, Prussia [Germany]—died Aug. 5, , London, Eng.) was a German socialist philosopher, the closest collaborator of Karl Marx in the foundation of modern communism.
"NCIS" cast member Annie Wersching died from cancer in January , aged just Though she was better known for her roles on the shows "24," "The Vampire Diaries," and "Bosch," as well as.
Twelve hundred miles, and only three days to go The speed limit signs, the stars on a desert road, yeah Can't keep from tryna taste your goodbye kiss, so good I'd travel to the future for ya, baby if I could.
However, at on the evening of October 27, , Helmuth was beheaded. For executioners such as Sophie Scholl’s killer Johann Reichhart, the Nazi boom in the use of the guillotine made them wealthy. Those who dropped the blade were paid 3, Reichsmarks per year — and received a 65 Reichsmark bonus per execution.